Friday, November 9, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Quiet

I don't know how to write about quiet. I don't remember what quiet sounds like. My head can't process the word. I can write about the pulsing sting of a heartbreak I've never felt. I can find words to describe a shade of pink I've never seen. I can construct the perfect sentence to describe the emotions one feels when a door is opened just long enough to peak your head through before it slams back in your face. That's a metaphor I can use to describe a feeling I've never had. I can paint you a picture of a broken childhood I never saw or draw a house I've never stepped foot in. I can write anyone's story, whether they lived it on an island or a cardboard box in a back alley. But because of that, I cannot tell you what quiet is. I don't know quiet.

Five Minute Friday
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1 comment:

  1. oh man - what a great explanation of quiet... I have no real concept of it either!

