Friday, January 25, 2013

Thankful Friday Letters

Dear winter, oh there you are. I thought maybe you were gonna pass us by this year. You must have gotten lost on the way. Thank you for a great reason to sip on hot tea (with way too much sugar) and watch Downton Abbey, movies, and a hockey game with mi familia. Dear Momma, thank you for rescuing me from the hazardous ice and dumb people on the roads. Dear Boyfriend, thank you for abandoning me for the homeland. If I wasn't incredibly dedicated to my studies I would be right there beside you being super annoying and touristy while you work in England. I am so proud of you for THIS and I can't wait to hear all about it. Dear Duck and Rogue, thank you for being super snuggly today while I pout about Dad being gone and thank you in advance for behaving for me. Dear Friday, thank you for not having any classes for me to go to today. Though it would have been pretty satisfying to get that "class is canceled" email. Dear Friends, thank you for all my birthday wishes! Dear Taylor Swift, your song "22" is not accurate. Not once have I felt like having breakfast at midnight or falling in love with strangers in the past two days. You've got 363 days to redeem yourself, T. Swift. Dear Home Cooked Dinners, it was nice knowing you. See you in ten days when James gets home!

Have a wonderful, wintery weekend! GO PACK!

Link up with us and share your Friday Letters!


  1. Hey - love your dear Taylor Swift letter!
    Dear Winter is quite accurate too - I like to sup on hot chocolate :)

    I have also linked with 'Friday Letters' here's the link incase you want to see -

  2. I love your letters and your blog is so simple and adorable! I love it! My favorite letter is the Taylor Swift one, I laughed out loud ;-) Have a great weekend :)

